The Speculist: FastForward Radio


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FastForward Radio

PJ Manney returned to FastForward Radio - this time to co-host the show with Stephen Gordon.

Stephen and PJ visited live with Dr. Pearl Chin of the Foresight Nanotech Institute. Pearl specializes in advising on nanotechnology investment opportunities. She is a prolific writer on nanotechnology investing, business, management and social issues. Her articles appear in Nanotechnology Now and the Nanotechnology Law and Business Journal. And she is actively sought out to speak about and be interviewed on diverse nanotechnology related topics.

pearl chin FFR.JPG

We asked Pearl what nanotech developments are exciting. We also asked her about potential dangers. Don't miss it!

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The topics:

  • Dr. Pearl Chin's bio at Foresight Nanotech Institute.

  • Dr. Chin's articles at Nanotechnology Now. Correction - in the show Stephen said that the list of her articles filled a page. He was just seeing the first page. In fact, she has 221 articles at that site (the list of which fills many pages).

  • Dr. Chin is excited about medical advance that nanoparticles are making possible - particularly with cancer detection and treatment. But she's a fan of those stain resistent pants too.

    She believes caution is needed when investing, but particularly where the investor does not understand the science. She hopes that with caution we can avoid the bubble/bust phenomenon we saw with the's.

  • After their interview with Dr. Chin, PJ and Stephen talked movies. Stephen enjoyed The Golden Compass. PJ had some problems with I Am Legend but thought it was a great thrill ride anyway.

  • Here's the article on Pullman's Golden Compass in The Atlantic.

  • Phil dropped in at the last of the show to announce our guest for next week, James Hughes. Phil and I will be visiting with Hughes about his association with the World Transhumanist Association and his book Citizen Cyborg.

Our front bumper is a sample of Marginal Prophets' "The Difficult Song."

Our exit music this week is from Girls Stuff. The song is "Blue."

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We love audience participation. If you'd like to call in to the show, or get in on the FastForward Radio text chat, listen live! FastForward Radio goes live again next Sunday night:

10:00 Eastern/9:00 Central/8:00 Mountain/7:00 Pacific.

Get all the details at Blog Talk Radio.

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I could not possibly be more bummed that I'm missing this week's FFR. Good thing the shows are archived!

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